Photos from 7/29/01

72901backyard.jpg (93775 bytes)
Looking out the lanai towards the neighbors house
72901bigtv.jpg (44997 bytes)
The 61" behemoth has found it's new home!
72901birds.jpg (63799 bytes)
Tuki and Maggie's new hang out spot
72901comproom.jpg (45917 bytes)
Entrance to the computer room/ picture hanging place

72901comproom2.jpg (49028 bytes)
Closer look at comp room and new ceiling fan I installed

72901diningroom.jpg (55748 bytes)
The dining room

72901front.jpg (78246 bytes)
Front view (just mowed the grass yesterday)
72901front2.jpg (78099 bytes)
Garage and antenna poking above the roof
72901frontdoor.jpg (50068 bytes)
The entrance (Security system hooked up yesterday)
72901garage.jpg (63929 bytes)
Blurry shot of some of the "stuff" we still have in the garage
72901great2.jpg (45112 bytes)
Picture of the great room from the utility room
72901greatroom.jpg (50959 bytes)
The great room walking through the front door
72901utility.jpg (51028 bytes)
The utility room
morning.jpg (55514 bytes)
Cool pic and good example of some of the beautiful scenery

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