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RC Plane enthusiasts flew through here


Pictures Of Mega Scooter I & II
Pictures of the Sky Scooter
Pictures of the Firebird XL
Aerial Photos!!
Stills from onboard camera
Post crash Slowstick carnage
Pictures of the Speedwing 400
Pictures of BlueCor Projects

Pictures of the Cessna 180


Funny video of Mike's Copter crash
Full video of copter flight (5.5 meg)
Scooter video running on RS 1600 Batteries  Scooter video running on stock battery
Firebird XL flight video 1
Firebird XL flight video 2
Mega Scooter Flight Video
Mega Scooter Flight Video 2
Mike's Cessna, Slowstick & VE Copter video
On board video shot with my 2 Scooters
Brushless Scooter onboard video
Slowstick onboard video
Mega Scooter 2 Acrobatic Video
High Altitude Slowstick Onboard Video
Mike's Mini Speedwing
Post crash VE video
Hummer on board video
Slowstick onboard with Astro 010 facing rear
Slowstick 2.0 onboard
Cactus's Speedwing 400 in flight
Duf's Speedwing 400 battery separation
Duf's Speedwing 400 in flight

If anyone doesn't need another hobby it's me.  Between computers, gaming,  watching sports, tv, volleyball, working on the house and going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week my schedule is pretty full. However, awhile ago I started into a fresh hobby, remote control planes.

I was given an R/C plane kit by my dad years ago as a birthday present.  It sat in it's box for years.  It was a gas powered ARF Sig Kadet LT-40 model.  I decided to finally work on it.  Around the same time, I met a friend of mine who I played volleyball with who also is very into R/C planes.  I pushed along and had the Kadet to the point where it just needed a motor(gas) and electronics.   During the build time I became more familiar with the more recent trend in RC planes of electric parkflyers.  This is what my buddy had.  I saw them fly.  They were easy to build, very clean and didn't require a huge flying area.  I decided to give my Kadet to my friend to do what he wanted with it and went out and bought an entry level electric ARF Park Flyer, a Firebird XL.  I beat this plane up pretty well.  Crashed it multiple times, dumped it into water and basically beat the hell out of it.  It is history now, but it took incredible abuse.  The XL is a 2 channel plane which means it is easier to fly at the sacrifice of maneuverability and acrobatic capacity.

I decided to get a Sky Scooter Pro II.  This is a 3 channel plane with ailerons. I have flown the Scooter dozens of times. 

I built a 2nd high powered Scooter.  This one utilized a high performance motor which allowed for more acrobatics and stunts. The power of this plane was amazing and it was able to perform stunts non stop with amazing speed. This plane took one too many crashes and is now sitting in my storage shed.  I moved it's electronics to a 3rd Scooter fuselage that to this point is unscathed and flies GREAT.

I have had 2 Slowsticks, one crashed, one I took apart after I did crappy build job and used the electronics in my bluecor project.

What is bluecor you ask?  It is a fan fold foam used in construction and sold at Lowes. It also happens to be a very good material for making your own planes!  My first project flew, slowly.  But hey it worked.  It eventually found it's way to the trash can. It never flew well and was not much fun to fly.  I still have a ton of bluecor but am lacking the motivation to do much with it right now.

Mike gave me his hand built Cessna before he moved to Colorado.  It has navigation lights and flies great. However it requires near zero wind conditions so it spends much of it's time just resting on my plane rack. (Along with the rest of my planes)  My latest project is using a modified Aiptek Pencam SD digital camera to take some high quality aerial photos while attached to my brushless sky scooter.

Look at the pics and videos of my planes.  If you don't have broadband you will need some patience. If you have any questions or comments regarding my stuff let me know!

My RC hobby has basically been dead in the water for quite awhile.  Once in a blue moon I will charge up the batteries and fly.  When I do I enjoy it and I think to myself "I need to do this more often", but I don't......